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Announcing Dojo 7 Widgets

Eric Osmundson June 01, 2020, 12:00 PM

Since the last Dojo release, we have been expanding the features and improving the developer experience of the Dojo Widgets library. With new advances in Dojo features, functionality, and recommended best practices, Dojo version 7 provides substantial improvements to make it easier for developers to build efficient and modern web applications.

The image for the blog

For Dojo version 7, we focused on improvements in several key areas:

  • Expanding the widget library, focusing on widgets that provide the most value to end users.
  • Refactoring all widgets as function-based and leveraging TSX syntax.
  • Adopt the latest recommended Dojo widget authoring patterns.
  • Improve out-of-the-box usability of each widget.
  • Standardize widget property patterns across the library.
  • Improve the theming experience for end users.
  • Expand documentation and widget examples.

Expanded Dojo Widgets library

One project goal is to provide users with a strong suite of widgets out-of-the-box. Version 7 of Dojo Widgets includes over two dozen new widgets that developers can use to build feature-rich applications even faster. Included are specialized widget variants, data-aware widgets, and widgets for building column layouts.

New Dojo Widgets

The new Card widget provides a simple and consistently styled container for content and actions. It uses the new child renderer pattern, accepting content for different sections in a typed child object and rendering them in the appropriate location with appropriate styling.

Card Widget


import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import Card from '@dojo/widgets/card';
import Button from '@dojo/widgets/button';
import Icon from '@dojo/widgets/icon';
const mediaSrc = require('./img/card-photo.jpg');

const factory = create();

export default factory(function CardWithMediaContent() {
	return (
		<div styles={{ width: '400px' }}>
			<Card onAction={() => {}} mediaSrc={mediaSrc} title="Hello, World" subtitle="A pretty picture">
					header: <div>Header Content</div>,
					content: <span>Travel the world today.</span>,
					actionButtons: (
					actionIcons: (
							<Icon type="secureIcon" />
							<Icon type="downIcon" />
							<Icon type="upIcon" />

The PasswordInput widget is one of several new specialized widget variants, automatically handling validation state and messaging internally saving development time and improving productivity.

Animated Password Input


import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import PasswordInput from '@dojo/widgets/password-input';

const factory = create();

export default factory(function Basic() {
	return (
				length: {
					min: 4
				contains: {
					atLeast: 2,
					uppercase: 1,
					specialCharacters: 1,
					numbers: 1
			{{ label: 'Enter Password' }}

The Form widget provides an opinionated way to use a group of inputs in a form, featuring a custom renderer for defining the form’s inputs and providing a middleware for custom functionality.

Animated Form widget


import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import { createICacheMiddleware } from '@dojo/framework/core/middleware/icache';

import TextInput from '@dojo/widgets/text-input';
import Form from '@dojo/widgets/form';
import { FormMiddleware } from '@dojo/widgets/form/middleware';

const icache = createICacheMiddleware<{
	basic?: Partial<Fields>;

const factory = create({ icache });

interface Fields {
	firstName?: string;
	middleName?: string;
	lastName?: string;
	email?: string;

const App = factory(function({ middleware: { icache } }) {
	const results = icache.get('basic');

	return (
			<Form name="basicForm" onValue={(values) => icache.set('basic', { ...icache.get('basic'), ...values })}>
				{({ field }: FormMiddleware<Fields>) => {
					const firstName = field('firstName');
					const middleName = field('middleName');
					const lastName = field('lastName');
					const email = field('email');

					return (
								placeholder="Enter first name"
								{{ label: 'First Name' }}
								placeholder="Enter a middle name"
								{{ label: 'Middle Name' }}
								placeholder="Enter a last name"
								{{ label: 'Last Name' }}
								placeholder="Enter an email address"
								{{ label: 'Email' }}
			{results && (
				<div key="onValueResults">
					<h2>onValue Results</h2>
						<li>First Name: {results.firstName}</li>
						<li>Middle Name: {results.middleName}</li>
						<li>Last Name: {results.lastName}</li>
						<li>Email: {}</li>

export default App;

View the new Dojo widgets in action on our brand new widget documentation site built using @dojo/parade.

The introduction of function-based widgets fundamentally changed the recommended authoring patterns for Dojo widgets, providing more flexibility and functionality when used in combination with middleware. For simple widgets, the advantages may not be obvious, however, when working on more complex widgets these advantages become more apparent. One of the powerful key features of function-based widgets is being able to support typed children renderers, replacing the current render property pattern. There are several key advantages to using functional children over render properties:

  • The Dojo rendering engine deals with the invalidation strategy internally.
  • Typed children provide more flexibility when authoring widgets and most importantly more safety for the end user.

For Dojo 7, all widgets are now function-based, leverage the TSX syntax, and reflect the latest recommended widget authoring patterns.

Making Dojo Widgets more usable out-of-the-box

As part of Dojo version 7, all widgets received an extensive review for usability issues with an emphasis on improving the developer experience. Property patterns were standardized across widgets and many widgets are now partially controlled, handling their own state. The result is a more consistent, usable, and accessible collection of widgets.

Standardization of Dojo Widget property patterns

This release brings more consistency to property patterns throughout the Dojo Widgets library. The result is a reduced learning curve and improved developer experience. Common widget properties are now aligned across all widgets, ensuring familiarity for end users.

value and onValue

The use of onInput / onChange / etc has been consolidated into a consistent onValue callback. All widgets returning a value leverage this callback. Additionally, callbacks that previously returned a value or key, such as onChange or onBlur have been removed or updated to return zero parameters. Dojo previously tried to simply align with how HTML worked, but the inconsistency across HTML elements is frustrating, and having a consistent pattern across all widgets streamlines cognitive overhead when working with Dojo Widgets.

mouse / touch events

Mouse and touch events have been standardized to use pointer events, allowing for removal of a large number of callbacks. Rather than mouseIn and mouseOut, widgets now provide onOver and onOut.

Partial control of Dojo Widgets

One goal with Dojo 7 is to make widgets work out-of-the-box wherever possible, without extra boilerplate for controlling the widget state. As a result, many widgets have been updated to use the icache middleware and now maintain their own state. This is accompanied by a standardized initialValue property that can control the value but does not need to be set each time the onValue callback is called. These widgets can still optionally get controlled using the value and onValue properties for backward compatibility, but we believe this new pattern provides an improvement to the developer experience.

Basic controlled Slider widget, using value and onValue:


import icache from '@dojo/framework/core/middleware/icache';
import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import Slider from '@dojo/widgets/slider';

const factory = create({ icache });

export default factory(function Controlled({ middleware: { icache } }) {
	const value = icache.getOrSet('value', 50);

	return (
			onValue={(value) => {
				icache.set('value', value);

Basic Slider widget with initialValue:


import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import Slider from '@dojo/widgets/slider';

const factory = create({});

export default factory(function Basic({}) {
	return <Slider min={0} max={100} />;

Improved widget themes

A primary goal of the Dojo 7 release is to make widget themes more accessible to end users. To that end, the @dojo/themes repository was deprecated, and themes were moved to @dojo/widgets. This allows developers to start building great looking applications even faster. Additional improvements include the inclusion of a Material theme and support for theme variants.

Material theme

The Dojo 7 release brings a new Material Design theme to Dojo Widgets. Beyond providing another modern appearance option for Dojo applications, the Material theme serves as an example of theming best practices. Development of the Material theme also helped validate several patterns in Dojo and helped guide the implementation of new features such as theme variants.

Through the use of css-modules, providing a Material theme for many widgets simply required composing the appropriate classes from the @material packages.

Example of adding Material theme to the Label widget:


.root {
	composes: mdc-floating-label from '@material/textfield/dist/mdc.textfield.css';

.active {
	composes: mdc-floating-label--float-above from '@material/textfield/dist/mdc.textfield.css';

.root.secondary {
	position: relative;

Theme variants

Themes in Dojo 7 now support 'variants'. This allows developers to easily create variations of a theme with minimal duplication. By loading new css-variables, developers can include light, dark, high-contrast, or any number of variants within a theme.

Revamped Dojo Widgets documentation and examples

This release includes improved Dojo Widgets documentation and examples. The Dojo Widgets documentation site uses the new @dojo/parade package to provide a consistent and up-to-date reference guide. Multiple examples are provided for each widget, and Dojo Parade provides auto-documentation of widget properties and theme class hooks! This new documentation tool is built with Dojo and provides a great tool for building widget documentation and examples from within your application or widget library.


All breaking changes in this release were carefully considered and focused on creating the best developer experience. For information on what has changed in Dojo Widgets, please see the Dojo Widgets version 7 migration guide.


See the Dojo version 7 release notes for more details on version 7.0.0 of Dojo! Love what we’re doing or having a problem? We ❤️ our community. Reach out to the Dojo team on Discord, check out the Dojo roadmap and see where we are heading, and try out Dojo 7.0.0 on CodeSandbox. We look forward to your feedback!